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No more Lightning Strikes to Metal Towers
Lightning seeks the tallest and sharpest object around. This is why, lightning is the biggest natural threat to service providers that...

No more Lightning Damage on Telecom Sites
Lightning rods CAN NOT provide a protection for the metal structures such as Telecom Towers. Lightning must be kept AWAY, not collected!

Lightning Protection for Outdoor CCTV Cameras
Traditional lightning arresters can NOT protect your cameras from lightning damage because they attract lightning strikes on themselves and

No more Lightning Strikes on Telecom Towers
Telecom towers are the primary targets of lightning strikes and traditional lightning rods can NOT protect metal towers.

Lightning Protection for Radio&TV Broadcast Towers
If you operate a radio or television broadcasting service, your tower needs to be protected from lightning strikes. Lightning must be kept a

No More Lightning Damage on Military Outdoor Cameras
Outdoor cameras mostly mounted on metal poles/masts which makes them extremely prone to lightning strikes. Traditional lightning...

No More Lightning Damage on Outdoor CCTV Cameras
Traditional lightning arresters can NOT protect outdoor CCTV cameras from lightning because they attract lightning strikes on the cameras.

Lightning Protection for Boats, Sailboats and Yachts – No More Lightning Strikes on Boats
No more lightning strikes, no more damage on boats, no more equipment loss Boats are extremely prone to lightning because the mast of the...

Protection contre la foudre pour les bateaux, les voiliers et les yachts - Plus aucun coup de foudre
Plus de coups de foudre, plus de dégâts sur les bateaux, plus de perte d'équipement! Les bateaux sont extrêmement enclins à la foudre,...

Protección contra rayos para barcos, veleros y yates - No más rayos en barcos
No más rayos, no más daños en barcos, no más pérdida de equipos Las embarcaciones son extremadamente propensas a los rayos porque el...

Protezione antifulmine per barche, barche a vela e yacht - Non più fulmini sulle barche
Niente più fulmini, niente più danni alle barche, niente più perdite di equipaggiamento Le barche sono estremamente inclini ai fulmini...

Telescopic Masts Lightning Protection
Lightning is a serious threat for telescopic masts and lightning rods can not provide a solution. Keep lightning away from telescopic masts!

Chống sét cho máy ảnh an ninh / Camera chống sét / Hệ thống EvoDis
Không còn thiệt hại sét trên Camera CCTV! Là camera an ninh của bạn là một nam châm sét? Bạn có lo lắng về thiệt hại sét trên máy ảnh của...

Lightning Protection for CCTV Surveillance Cameras
No more lightning strikes, no more damage on cctv cameras, no more service loss! CCTV surveillance cameras installed on metal poles which...

Protección Contra Rayos para Cámaras de Vigilancia CCTV
No más rayos, ni daños en las cámaras de circuito cerrado de televisión, ni más pérdidas de servicio! Cámaras de vigilancia CCTV...
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