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What do you want to protect?

MTO is an engineering company founded to make evolution in lightning protection! We are focused on creating new technologies, combining the innovation with high quality engineering services and providing the best solutions to end users.
As the result of 5 years of research and development studies, EvoDis® Lightning Prevention System is released as a remarkable breakthrough for protecting metal structures such as telecommunication and radio&tv broadcast towers, tower cranes, power transmission towers, wind turbines, meteorological observation towers and camera poles against lightning strikes.
Quality Policy
MTO delivers the highest quality in engineering services, product development and in manufacturing process. We execute ISO 9001-2008 Quality Standard in each department and establish production with CE Standard.

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About Us
We manufacture a unique product, so you may have some questions. We listed most popular questions and answers for you.
We have accomplished many things in the past years and we keep updating them. We highlighted some major ones for your review.
Lightning protection for

Telecommunication and radio&TV broadcast towers are the main structures that supply mobile communication in an area. Electronic devices which transmit the network signal such as antennas, radomes and radios are located on the tower body and sensitive equipment that supplies network coverage in the shelter nearby the tower. Lightning strike on such a metal tower damages all electronics on the body and equipment in the shelter. Furthermore, this weakens the signal with other sites connected with the tower and the whole region remain out of service for days. EvoDis® Lightning Prevention System can mitigate the risk of tower for getting hit by lightning.

Cranes are the fundamentals of a construction site. With tower heights up to 100 meters and boom lengths to 80 meters, tower cranes are usually the tallest metal structures at the site erected at the very first start of construction. Cranes are consistently hit by lightning strikes and lightning gives damage to electrical system of the crane and causes lethal results for the operating personnel. EvoDis® Lightning Prevention System can minimize the occurance of lightning strikes on tower cranes and prevent possible damages.
Lightning protection for
Lightning protection for

Transmission towers carry the power lines that deliver the electricity from source to the end users. These towers are built as high as possible in order to avoid any physical damage on the lines and also to protect people from electromagnetic effects of high voltage source. In a case of a lightning strike, a small portion of lightning current flows down to the ground but the main part of it damages the line and is also carried through the line and finally damage to the electronic devices in facilities. These damageful results can be prevented by EvoDis® Lightning Prevention System application on transmission towers.

Camera poles are installed in many parts of the world for monitoring the traffic flow and/or for security reasons. In most cases, these poles are made of conductive material to remain still for long years, however they are also targets for lightning strikes in that area. When lightning strikes on such a pole, lightning current flows through pole body with damaging the camera and all stored or transmitted data can be lost. With use of EvoDis® Lightning Prevention System; damage on equipment and loss of data can be avoided.
Lightning protection for
Lightning protection for

Wind turbines are the primary source of clean energy of today's world and it is critical to place the turbines to the correct location where wind efficiency is high enough to protect the investment. Meteorological parameters like wind speed, wind direction, temperature and air pressure must be measured measured in the area that turbines are planned to be constructed and metal towers with sensors are erected on field with this purpose. Meteorological observation towers are the tallest structures in the area, so all sensors can get damaged and all data can be lost with a lightning strike. EvoDis® Lightning Prevention System can mitigate the risk of getting hit by lightning and loss of data.
Lightning protection for

In today’s world, use of wind turbines is a must for clean energy supply however turbines with massive sizes are prone to lightning strikes. To protect the turbines from lightning threat, lightning arresters are placed on the surface of the blades in order to attract lightning on themselves and direct the current to the ground through the conductor bonded to them. This solution is not enough because of water collected at the tip of the blades where lightning hits first. EvoDis® Lightning Prevention System can dissipate the charges on the blades and tower and mitigates the risk of getting struck by lightning.
MTO Engineering Ltd. Co.
Alaaddinbey Mh. Atilla Tatveren Cd. No: 28/B/H
16120 Nilufer - Bursa / Turkey
Phone / Fax : +90 224 414 00 49
Technopark Office
Ulutek Ar-Ge Binasi, Kat 3, No:309, Uludag Universitesi Gorukle Kamp.
16059 Nilüfer - Bursa / Turkey
Stuttgart Office
Leitzstraße 45
70469 Stuttgart / Germany
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